At Harmony Studios, we harness the transformative power of the arts to unlock every child's unique potential. Our vision is an inclusive, nurturing, safe, and professional environment. Where all children, regardless of their backgrounds, can explore and develop their God-given talents. Here, every child is welcomed, valued, and inspired, becoming part of a supportive community that celebrates their unique contributions cultivating a lifelong love of the arts.
Harmony Studios is an outstanding, growing, family-oriented children’s theater in Northern Virginia. We provide specialized classes, monthly lessons, and quarterly performances.
Does your child or teen have a flair for drama?
Do they love to sing and dance?
Have you ever wondered if there was some way to focus all that creative energy?
Wonder no more!
We love meeting and working with children of all skill levels. If your child has an interest in the performing arts, a willingness to learn, and can be a kind and encouraging member of a team, Harmony Studios might be the place for you. Some of our specialized classes for younger children include Mommy & Me: Introduction to Music and Pirouettes & Princesses. We offer monthly lessons in voice, piano, and dance. We even offer classes in audition preparation for your child’s next starring role! We have the most fun, however, at our quarterly performances which provide opportunities for soloists, ensembles, dancers, and even technical crew! Past performances include Annie, The Little Mermaid Jr., Aladdin Jr., and Elf The Musical.
What's Happening Now?
Documents for Cast: Contract, Scholarship Form, and HS Production Manual
Our Fundraising Page
For more information go to our Cast Information Tab!

Contact Us
For more information about Harmony Studios, our programs, activities, staff and more, don’t hesitate to contact us!
(571) 288-9083