At Harmony Studios, we harness the transformative power of the arts to unlock every child's unique potential. Our vision is an inclusive, nurturing, safe, and professional environment. Where all children, regardless of their backgrounds, can explore and develop their God-given talents. Here, every child is welcomed, valued, and inspired, becoming part of a supportive community that celebrates their unique contributions cultivating a lifelong love of the arts.
For 20 years I traveled the world and performed on stage with many award winning artists such as Dolly Parton, Tony Orlando, and many other talented individuals. Whether it was the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas, Broadway in New York, Tokyo Disney, Universal Studios in Japan, or even a cruise ship in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, one thing never changed….I never felt confident enough to publicly proclaim my love for Jesus. The fear of rejection and isolation pushed me to just keep quiet!
I look back now, as an adult with children finding their own way in the theater, and I vowed to help these young artists to find their voices! Harmony Studios was born from a promise that I made to offer professional opportunities to young performers without compromising their moral integrity OR compromising a professional experience!
Harmony Studios incorporates instruction in drama, dance, improv, vocal training, and technical skills that will help you carve your niche in the world of Performing Arts. You can explore creative independence while enjoying a fun-filled and unforgettable experience.

No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven". (Matthew 5:15-16)